The ACTCompass Relocation provides comprehensive relocation services for individuals and companies. With affiliates and friends all over the world, we’ve got your back no matter where you’re moving.
The ACTCompass Relocation Department offers our brand of boutique, concierge-style service to clients and agents all over the world. We pair clients with an accredited relocation specialist to ensure exceptional, turnkey service from start to finish. The team brokers and nurtures relationships with companies and real estate professionals worldwide, connecting those on the move with reliable experts representing a global network of premier properties.
How We Serve Clients
The ACTCompass Relocation Department handles clients’ relocation needs with our signature style and attention to detail. We connect current clients with trusted brokers in cities around the world to ensure ACTCompass’s level of service from start to finish, no matter where our clients are headed. The team also facilitates putting for-sale homes in front of potential buyers both near and far.
How We Serve Companies
Corporations move employees to new locations every day, and many companies will pay the associated expenses. The ACTCompass Relocation Department builds relationships with companies to capture these leads for our agents. They then provide our concierge-level service to the company’s relocating employees. Moving can be a hassle, so it’s the Relocation Department’s goal to make the experience as seamless as possible—for companies and their employees.
How We Serve Agents
Through the Relocation Department, agents can leverage ACTCompass’s worldwide network of contacts in their marketing efforts and use the department to connect with out-of-area brokers who can assist clients relocating to a new destination. Benefits to agents include the assurance that their clients are taken care of by managing relationships with qualified referral partners. The team also tracks all deals to ensure follow through, while creating another avenue for agents to grow their business.
We offer the highest level of service and expertise to our clients. Our team has built a reputation for consistently representing the finest real estate in San Francisco and Napa Valley. Results driven and dedicated to your success, whether buying, selling, renting or investing. Contact us today for a private consultation.
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